Sunday, March 2, 2014

Driving Home from Work: 4WD!

Sorry we haven't updated recently, we keep thinking we are going to have an announcement to make (more on that later)...but this weekend's events warranted a post.  Island Free Press has the story, but Pete's Ditch" under route 12 in Frisco had to be repaired.  So this past weekend the county opened up a detour road on the beach, from Lighthouse Road ramp 45 to Billy Mitchell Field ramp 49.  And since Midgett Realty is open weekends, the Buxton folks hopped into Anthony's 4wd and made an adventure out of getting to work!  How cool is that, 4wding to work?  The detour was to be in place til Monday 6am at the latest.  In a disappointing development, the work was completed by 7pm Saturday.  I didn't think it possible that highway work could run ahead of schedule, but i guess there's a first time for everything.  I'll add a slideshow, we only have 3 pics but i think they still give you a sense of driving home from work.... on the beach! 

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